What is Your University Park Lawn Looking Like These Days?

Your Lawn Never Looked BetterLet’s be honest for a minute here, what’s your lawn looking like these days?

It can happen to the very best of us.

It could be you have a brand new home and you just haven’t gotten around to putting in your yard yet.

It might be that you just wrapped up an exterior remodeling project that really had a bad effect on your lawn.

Or you might have just moved into a house where the previous owner apparently did not care too much about what their yard looked like.

No matter what yard situation you find yourself in at the moment, it is a breeze to get fresh, local sod installed at your Irvine property.

It will be locally grown, green, fully developed and free of weeds.

Once it’s placed down it will attach to your own soil and begin growing again.

It’s going to help make your property look better right away.

You Could Have a Terrific Looking Lawn in One Week

One of the top University Park lawn contractors can generally get your new turf installed in a couple days or less.

The transformation is fast.

One day there is a rough lawn and the next week you have a brilliant green lawn.

How Do I Get Sod Installed?

You just need to call someone, and they’ll do all the work.

Once your new lawn is put in, your responsibility is to remember to keep it damp.

Mother Nature will usually not help out with keeping your new grass damp, so you will probably need to do all the watering during the first two or three weeks.

If you install your grass during one of our classic dry Summer periods, you might have to get out and water lightly a few times each day. Keeping your new yard moist is important.

Want To Install it By Yourself?

If you are interested in doing the work and saving some money, you can do the installation yourself.

They carry mature, weed-free grass sod for sale that can be dropped off right in your driveway.

And you finish the job of putting it down.

If you plan on doing the sod laying yourself, make sure to get going as soon as the pallets are dropped off.

Fresh cut grass from sod farms is perishable and you need to get it down onto the soil and watered as soon as you can.

Sod Prices in University Park Area – What Will the Cost Be?

A pretty front lawn will add to your house’s curb appeal and power up your house’s real estate valuation too.

That’s why realtors and experienced house flippers routinely order new grass for any property that could use it.

Making a nearby backyard with rolls of SoCal turfThe cost of seeding, harvesting and installing a green grass lawn is not exactly cheap. But most homeowners don’t find the price to be too great either.

Most property owners feel the price is acceptable when they take into account the future benefit of having a great lawn.

It’s pretty obvious, but the two principal criteria that make up your final cost will be how much product you are requesting and whether or not you will be doing the installation.

There is a small possibility there could be some additional charge, but the order amount and the installation fee are the main factors.

If you are able to draw a basic outline of your yard and come up with some fair measurements of it, you should be in the position to arrive at an idea of the number of square feet you want to cover.

Then as you discuss it with a South Irvine sod company, they will give you a price quote on how much grass you need to do the job.

They will send you a quote for how much it will cost to transport it out to your home and do the complete installation if you want them to do it.

Sometimes, if your location is handy, someone may be able to come by your home and complete the measuring instead of having you do it.

Do installers work in your community? They work in many areas of the city, especially the areas around Rancho San Joaquin, Michelson Drive and University Drive.

So Where Do I Start?

1. Complete a little drawing of your yard to help you measure it.
2. Take some measurements of the areas of your yard you want new turf for.
3. Make just one quick phone call.

They’ll do their best to solve all your questions.

Even if you are not too hopeful in how accurate your yard measurement is, they will do their best to supply you with a decent cost estimate.

Maintaining an appealing front yard is going to bump up the curb appeal of your entire residence.

And enjoying a pleasant green grass lawn will help bring you and your kids to spend more time out in the backyard too.

Hope to hear from you.



Do You Deliver Turf To My Irvine Neighborhood?

They bring turf to homes and businesses all over the city, especially the areas around Rancho San Joaquin, Michelson Drive and University Drive.

Touch to Call!