Does Your Capitol Hill Lawn Need Some Work?

Your Yard Could Look GreatLet’s be honest for a moment — how is your lawn looking right now?

Maybe it’s not your fault.

Maybe you have a new home and haven’t put in a lawn yet, or you just completed a big remodeling project that tore up your front yard.

Maybe you just moved into a house where the previous owner obviously did not care about what his yard looked like.

Whatever reason got you into this situation, it is easy to get hardy, mature sod installed at your house. And it is going to make your place look great right away.

You Are Just One Day Away From Having a Good-Looking Lawn

An experienced Seattle lawn crew will arrange to get your sod grass installed usually in just a few hours. Don’t worry about it — you go to work in the morning having a beat-up yard and come home after work to one that looks fantastic.

Let Someone Else Do the Entire Job

You just call them and they do all the work.

Once your new grass is put in, your job is to remember to keep it watered. In King County, watering your lawn usually isn’t too much of an issue.

Mother Nature will generally help out with keeping your new lawn moist, but you will probably still need to do some watering during the first two or three weeks.

And if they deliver your grass during one of our typical dry summers, you may end up lightly watering several times a day.

Can I Install It Myself to Save Some Money?

You can do the sod installation yourself if you want to. You can buy mature sod for sale and they will deliver your order right to your Capitol Hill suburb. Your future lawn arrives neatly stacked on pallets and you finish the process.

If you are considering doing the sodding yourself, be sure to get the job started as soon as they drop the pallets off. Fresh cut grass from sod farm is perishable. You will need to get it laid on to the soil and watered as soon as you can.

Sod Prices in Capitol Hill – What Is It Going to Cost?

A good-looking lawn will greatly add to the curb appeal of your home. And it should increase your home’s potential real estate value too. That is why it is considered a priority of professional house sellers and home flippers.

Sod farm grass comes in rolls like thisMature, weed-free and hearty locally grown sod rolls are not cheap. But when compared to other home improvement projects, they are not too expensive either. A Capitol Hill grass delivery service should end up being a great investment for your home.

When it comes to what it will cost, the main factor in the price of the lawn sod delivery is the number of square feet of grass you’re going to order. It’s pretty simple. The more you need, the more it will cost.

A second possible price factor in your sod installation cost could be the location of your property. If you live out in an unusual area, the transportation cost to deliver might go up, but that typically doesn’t happen in the Capitol Hill area.

If you can take a shot at measuring your yard and arrive at a pretty good estimate of how big the area you want to cover is, you can speak with a Seattle sod company and receive a quote.

They should be able to estimate how much you need and how many pallets you should order. They can give you a pretty good quote on how much it will cost to deliver those pallets out to your house and put it down. In a few cases, someone may be able to actually swing by your property and do the measuring for you.

Here Is Where to Start

1. Go out and measure your yard.

2. Make one short phone call.

They can answer your questions.

You will find out what the cost will be and the timeframe of when it can get it done.

They deliver to property owners all over the central Seattle area including the Eastlake, Madison Valley, Portage Bay, Broadmoor, Madison Park and Montlake neighborhoods.

Having a nice front lawn is going to totally improve the curb appeal and appearance of your Washington State home.

And once you get a terrific back yard, it will encourage you and your kids to actually spend more time out in the back yard having some fun.

Let’s go.



Do You Deliver Near Me in Capitol Hill?

They can work all over central Seattle including the Eastlake, Madison Valley, Portage Bay, Broadmoor, Madison Park, and Montlake area, which includes homeowners in the 98102, 98122, 98112 and 98109 zip codes.

If you are near these areas, make a short call.









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